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Furnace Plus Process Reports

Production reporting directly from the Customer Portal

The REPORTS module is used to view and analyze process reports.

Processes performed on the furnace are recorded and presented in a list. The module has the option of filtering the data and comparing specified processes. The duration of processes can then be presented on a chart that enables users to compare costs from various angles.

The module allows users to view a detailed report from a selected process.

Such a report will present the following information:

  • Statistical information
  • Process data
  • Graphs of analog signals and their statistics
  • Recipe parameters along with analysis of the segments and subsegments duration
  • Alarms that occurred during the process
  • Information about the load

The report can be downloaded into one file in PDF format, and the displayed analog signal trends can be exported to a CSV file. All this is available from the Customer Portal, i.e. from any place with Internet access. There is no need to go to the furnace control cabinet and download reports.

The module main functions:

  • processes’ analysis and comparison
  • process statistics
  • ability to download the report to a PDF file and trends to a CSV file
  • ability to mark processes with status (correct/incorrect) and save a comment
  • production optimization

Process Reports Benefits:

  • Records and presents the results of performed processes on a list -> this is a complete documentation of the furnace’s operation and tracking of production history
  • The module enables filtering and comparison of process performance, which provides data for quick analysis and identification of changes in trends
  • Access to detailed reports with statistical information, process data and analog signal graphs, which facilitates comprehensive analysis of the furnace’s performance
  • Data availability and export -> reports in PDF format, and analog signal trends in CSV files, i.e. convenient access and the option for further analysis
  • The Customer Portal enables remote access to reports from anywhere
  • Process analysis and comparison as well as statistics help optimize production and increase process efficiency

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