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Furnace Plus Trends

Have insight into the most important signals recorded on the furnace: the changes and the history are waiting to be learned and analyzed

Trends is a module responsible for recording and displaying trend courses of basic analog signals from the furnace. Thanks to this, the history of these changes can be analyzed in detail in a convenient way, through a browser.

This module allows users to view signal value changes in time. Thus, users can, on their own, track changes in the selected signal values and analyze them.

The module main functions include:

  • review and analysis of all trend courses
  • changing pens
  • ability to export data (in csv file format):
    • all values are saved in the database for a given time period
    • average values are read directly from the chart

Trends Benefits:

  • Corrective actions: identification of problems and anomalies in the load processing process, and quick corrective actions
  • Production safety: Tracking irregularities in the course of process parameters enables users to provide an appropriate response, increasing the safety and continuity of the furnace operation and the production process
  • Data export provides the option for further data analysis in external system
  • Access to information about signal changes without physical presence at the furnace means:
    • Security: can remotely monitor the furnace’s status, to provide ongoing data analysis
    • Time-saving: access to information eliminates the need to inspect the furnace in person and quickly assess whether and what type of action is required
    • Efficiency: supervisors can concentrate on other tasks while monitoring furnace status

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